8.2.3 Initiating DMA Transfers
Each DMA channel is independently configured for its trigger source with the
DMAxTSELx bits as described in Table 8−2.The DMAxTSELx bits should be
modified only when the DMACTLx DMAEN bit is 0. Otherwise, unpredictable
DMA triggers may occur.
When selecting the trigger, the trigger must not have already occurred, or the
transfer will not take place. For example, if the TACCR2 CCIFG bit is selected
as a trigger, and it is already set, no transfer will occur until the next time the
TACCR2 CCIFG bit is set.
Edge-Sensitive Triggers
When DMALEVEL = 0, edge-sensitive triggers are used and the rising edge
of the trigger signal initiates the transfer. In single-transfer mode, each transfer
requires its own trigger. When using block or burst-block modes, only one
trigger is required to initiate the block or burst-block transfer.
Level-Sensitive Triggers
When DMALEVEL = 1, level-sensitive triggers are used. For proper operation,
level-sensitive triggers can only be used when external trigger DMAE0 is
selected as the trigger. DMA transfers are triggered as long as the trigger
signal is high and the DMAEN bit remains set.
The trigger signal must remain high for a block or burst-block transfer to
complete. If the trigger signal goes low during a block or burst-block transfer,
the DMA controller is held in its current state until the trigger goes back high
or until the DMA registers are modified by software. If the DMA registers are
not modified by software, when the trigger signal goes high again, the transfer
resumes from where it was when the trigger signal went low.
When DMALEVEL = 1, transfer modes selected when DMADTx = {0, 1, 2, 3}
are recommended because the DMAEN bit is automatically reset after the
configured transfer.
Halting Executing Instructions for DMA Transfers
The DMAONFETCH bit controls when the CPU is halted for a DMA transfer.
When DMAONFETCH = 0, the CPU is halted immediately and the transfer
begins when a trigger is received. When DMAONFETCH = 1, the CPU finishes
the currently executing instruction before the DMA controller halts the CPU
and the transfer begins.
Note: DMAONFETCH Must Be Used When The DMA Writes To Flash
If the DMA controller is used to write to flash memory, the DMAONFETCH
bit must be set. Otherwise, unpredictable operation can result.