298 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
Once this task is added, you may run it on demand at any time; see Running tasks manually on
page 305. You may also save an event log using the Export Event Log tool. See Creating an Event
Log .csv File on page 317.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear. Click Next.
4. The Select Task to Add window will open.
a. Select Export event log to a comma separated values (.CSV) file from the
drop-down menu.
b. Type a 1-64 character name for the task.
c. Click Next.
5. The Select When to Run the Task window will open. Select a time to run the task (see
Specifying when to run tasks on page 292), then click Next.
6. The Specify Export Event Log Properties window will open.
a. Type the directory in which to create the event log, which may be a physical local drive on
the DSView 3 server or at a shared network location specified by a UNC path. The
location cannot be set to a mapped network drive.The directory name must be entered in
case sensitive text if your operating system supports case sensitive filenames.
b. If the specified directory location is a network drive that requires a log in, enable the Login
required to access shared drive location checkbox. Then, type the username and password
and confirm the password of a user account that has read/write access to the network
share location.
c. To append the date and time (in military time) to the end of the event log file, enable the
Use date and time for file naming checkbox. For example, if you are creating the event log
file on October 1, 2005 at 10:04 pm, the file created will be named
If an event log exists in the specified directory and you do not enable this option, it will be
overwritten when the new event log is created.
d. Click Next.
7. The Select Event Log Columns to Export window will open.
8. To add one or more columns to export, select the column(s) from the Available Columns list,
then click Add. The column(s) will be moved to the Columns to Export list.
9. To remove one or more columns to export, select the column(s) from the Columns to Export
list, then click Remove. The column(s) will be moved to the Available Columns list.
10. To change the order in which exported columns are listed in the output .csv file, select one or
more columns in the Columns to Export list and use the up and down arrows to move the
selected columns up or down in the listing.