Chapter 21: Using Tasks 301
4. The Select Task to Add window will open.
a. Select Send IPMI chassis control command to target devices from the drop-down menu.
b. Type a 1-64 character name for the task.
c. Click Next.
5. The Select When to Run the Task window will open. Select a time to run the task (see
Specifying when to run tasks on page 292). Click Next.
6. The Select Unit Group window will open. Select All Target Devices or select a particular unit
group to configure from the menu. See Grouping Units on page 187. Then click Next.
7. The Select Target Devices window will open. Select one or more IPMI target devices to
chassis control from the Available Target Devices list, then click Add. The IPMI target devices
will be moved to the Target Devices to Control list. Click Next.
8. The Select IPMI Control Function window will open. Select the power control function you
wish to perform on the IPMI target devices, then click Next.
Turn Power On - powers up the specified devices.
Turn Power Off - powers down the specified devices.
Cycle Power - powers down and then power up the specified devices. *
Reset - performs a hard reset of the specified devices.
Graceful Shutdown - performs a graceful shutdown of the specified devices. *
* The availability of the Cycle Power and Graceful Shutdown options is dependent on the
BMC implementation. If one of these options is selected for a task but the BMC
implementation does not support the option, the task will fail when run and be reported in the
Task Results window.
9. The Completed Successful window will open. Click Finish. The Tasks window will open.
Task: Test modem connections to selected units
This task tests modem connections to ACS console servers that have been configured to support
modem dial-up or modem dial-back.
For more information about modem connections, see Active modem sessions on page 161.
To add the task:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click Tasks in the top navigation bar. The Tasks window will open.
3. Click Add. The Add Task Wizard will appear. Click Next.
4. The Select Task to Add window will open. Select Test modem connections to selected units
from the drop-down menu.
5. Type a 1-64 character name for the task, then click Next.
6. The Select When to Run the Task window will open. Select a time to run the task (see
Specifying when to run tasks on page 292), and then click Next.