376 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
using 286
RSA SecurID external authentication service 91
Scan mode (Video Viewer) 244
Secure mode 109, 112
alerts 57
zones 41
Serial session application selection 35
backup and restore 294
email 64
managing certificates 60
manually backup and restore 65
ports used 326, 330
properties 55
proxy 61
replication 71
trap destinations 62
unit status polling 64
See also Hub server and Spoke servers
Services 135
access methods 100
changing KVM session settings 155
changing serial console appliance settings 155
changing virtual media settings (KVM switch)
choosing serial session application 35
client information 62
closing a DSView 3 software client session 18
disconnecting an active session from a target
device window 160
disconnecting an active session from an appliance
window 159
displaying active session information (all
sessions) 158
displaying active session information for a target
device 159
displaying appliance session information 154
managing active 158
opening a DSView 3 software client session 15
removing an active session from display 159
sharing (CCM appliances) 155
Side navigation bar 22
Site groups 187
SNMP 133, 296, 332
Sorting 24
Spoke servers
about 2
adding 68
certificate management 60
certificates 57
changing network properties 69
deleting 70
displaying 68
licenses 50
managing 67
promoting to hub servers 70
properties 55
registering hub server as spoke server 69
replication 71
updating hub server certificate on spoke server 61
updating spoke server certificate on hub server 60
enabling server for data logging and SSH
Passthrough 169
specifying a user SSH key in profile 36
specifying user SSH key in user account 207
Telnet Viewer 261
SSH Passthrough sessions 177
port sharing 178
read/write access 183
SP commands 184