Avocent DSView 3 Switch User Manual

38 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
In addition to the built-in user groups, the DSView 3 software supports user-defined user groups;
see Grouping Units on page 187.
Preemption Levels
The preemption level of users determines whether they may interrupt or disconnect another user’s
serial or video (KVM) session with a target device. This also applies to virtual media sessions,
which are initiated from the Video Viewer.
DSView 3 software administrators and user administrators may specify the preemption level for
user accounts or user-defined user groups when an account or group is created. The preemption
level may be changed later. See Preemption level on page 209 or User Group Properties on
page 219.
By default, the preemption level used by the DSView 3 management software (the effective user
preemption level) is the highest level of all of the user groups to which the user belongs.
Preemption levels range from 1-4, with 4 being the highest level. For example, a user or a user
Backup and restore the DSView 3 software database Yes No No No No
Register a spoke server Yes No No No No
Add, change and delete units Yes No Yes No No
Add, change and delete unit groups Yes Yes Yes No No
Configure access rights Yes Yes No No No
Add, change and delete sites, departments and locations Yes No Yes No No
Add, change and delete external authentication services Yes Yes No No No
Add, change, delete user accounts and user-defined
user groups
Yes Yes No No No
All event-related operation Yes No No Yes No
Change your own password Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table 4.1: Built-In User Group Allowed Operations (Continued)
Built-In User Group