1780R-Series Service Manual
10. Select <VERT CAL> as shown in Figure 2–13. The large knob will now
adjust signal amplitude with respect to the graticule. Adjust for a 1 Volt
display on the Waveform CRT. Leave the CALIBRATE button set to On.
Figure 2–13: Waveform Calibration menu display
11. Select an input channel that has no signal applied. Check that TWO LINE
sweep is selected.
a. Push the front-panel TIME button to turn on the timing cursors. Reduce
the trace (display) intensity if necessary to view the timing cursor dots.
b. Touch the timing cursors area of the screen until <CURSOR 1> is
outlined. Use the large knob to move Cursor 1 approximately 1 division
in from the left edge of the graticule.
c. Select <CURSOR 2> and use the large knob to move it 100 msec to the
right of Cursor 1, as indicated on the CRT readout.
d. Push the CALIBRATE button. Touch <HORIZ CAL>. The large knob
will now adjust sweep length (time) with respect to the graticule. Adjust
for 10 divisions between cursor dots.
e. Push the front-panel TIME button to turn off the timing cursors.
Readjust the trace (display) intensity if necessary.