Note -
Inactive/cold maintenance can be performed only for a building block configuration.
The inactive/cold maintenance procedure for a single-chassis configuration is the same as
that for stopping the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Incorporate the c ha ssi s, in which the power supply un i t requiring m aintenance
is mounted, into the physical partition.
For details, see "6.2 Incorporating a Chassis into a Physical Partition."
Close t he rack d oor.
10.6.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance
For a single-chassis configuration
Log in to the XSCF s hell.
Return t o the op eration of the XSCF firm w are replacefru command to confirm
that th e power supply un it has been in corporated into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Start th e entire system.
For details, see "6.4 Starting the Entire System."
Close t he rack d oor.
For a building-block configuration
Log in to the XSCF s hell.
Return t o the op eration of the XSCF firm w are replacefru command to confirm
that th e power supply un it has been in corporated into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Pow er on the physical p artition requiring main t enan ce.
For details, see "6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Close t he rack d oor.
10.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance
Connect all the pow er c ords to t he PSU backplane unit o f the chassis
requiring mai nten ance.
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 2013202