Note -
In the case of a dual power feed, connect the power cords in their original positions by
referring to the record that you made before the start of maintenance.
Note -
In the case of a dual power feed, connect the power cords in their original positions by
referring to the record that you made before the start of maintenance.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Power on th e physical p artition r equ iring maintenanc e.
For details, see "6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Close t h e rack d oor.
27.6.4 Inactive/Cold maintenance
Connect all the po wer c ords to the PSU backplane unit or power supply u nit
of th e chassis r equ iring maintenance.
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
Return to the operation of the XSCF firmw are replacefru co mman d to confirm
that th e XSCF DUAL co ntrol cable has b een incorporated into the syste m.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Power on th e physical p artition r equ iring maintenanc e.
For details, see "6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Close t h e rack d oor.
27.6.5 System-stopped maintenance
Connect all the po wer c ords to the PSU backplane unit or power supply u nit
of th e chassis r equ iring maintenance.
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
Return to the operation of the XSCF firmw are replacefru co mman d to confirm
that th e XSCF DUAL co ntrol cable has b een incorporated into the syste m.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
Power on a ll the physical partitions.
For details, see "6.3 Powering On the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Close t h e rack d oor.
Chapter 27 Maintaining the XSCF DUAL Control Cables 423