showlogs error
Note -
before disconnecting them to ensure that they are reinstalled correctly.
Caution -
Before you handle any components, wear a wrist strap to ground any static
electricity. If you perform this procedure without a wrist strap, individual
components or the overall system may be damaged. For details, see "1.5 Notes
Regarding Static Electricity."
For details, see "3.3.5 Checking log information."
Confirm t he hardware and s oftw are configurations.
For details, see "4.2 Confirming the System Configuration."
Power off all t h e physical p artitions.
For details, see "5.3 Powering Off the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
Execute the replacefru command to release the chassis requiring m aintenance
from t he system.
For details, see "5.1 Releasing an FRU from the System with the replacefru
Remove all the power cords from the P SU backplane unit or po wer supply
unit of the c ha ssis requiring maintenance.
For details, see "5.5.2 Removing the power cord."
27.4 Removing an XSCF DUAL Control
This section describes the procedure for removing an XSCF DUAL control cable.
Enable the removal of the XSCF DUAL control cables before attempting to remove
them. For details, see "27.2 Before Maintaining an XSCF DUAL Control Cable."
Remove th e XSCF DUAL control cables from the SPARC M10-4S or the
crossbar box.
Pull out the XSCF DUAL control cable while pushing the lock release buttons (A
in the figure) on the both sides of the cable.
Chapter 27 Maintaining the XSCF DUAL Control Cables 419