cfgadm -a
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
BB#0-PCI#0 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
cfgadm -c unconfigure
cfgadm -c disconnect
cfgadm -a
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
BB#0-PCI#0 pci-pci/hp disconnected unconfigured ok
cfgadm -x led=attn,mode=bli nk
Note -
To perform active/hot maintenance without using PHP, use DR of the system board
on the physical partition. For information on the versions of XCP and Oracle VM Server for
SPARC/SRU that support DR, see the latest Product Notes.
Note -
Active/hot maintenance without using PHP can be performed only for a building
block configuration.
Execute the cfgadm -c c om mand to releas e the PCIe card requiring
maintenance from the logical domain.
Enter the Ap_ID you noted in advance.
Execute the cfgadm -c c om mand to sto p the po w er supply to the P CIe card
requiring mai nten ance.
Enter the Ap_ID you noted in advance.
Execute the cfgadm -a c om mand to c onfirm the status of the PCIe card again.
In the following example, [Receptacle] and [Occupant] contain "disconnected"
and "unconfigured", respectively, which indicates that the PCIe card requiring
maintenance is released from the logical domain.
Execute the cfgadm -x c om mand to cau se the A TTE NTION LED on t h e PCIe
card cassette requiring maintenance to b link.
Enter the Ap_ID you noted in advance.
13.4.2 Active/Hot maintenance (with DR)
Open the r ack do or.
Confirm th e hardware and software configurations.
For details, see "4.2 Confirming the System Configuration."
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 2013250