Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select a type of model which has FRU to be replaced.
1. BB (4s Building Block Model)
2. XBBOX (XB-BOX Model)
Select [1,2|c:cancel] :
Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select the chassis including replaced FRU.
No. FRU Status
--- ------------------- --------------
1 /BB#0 Degraded
2 /BB#1 Normal
3 /BB#2 Unmount
4 /BB#3 Unmount
5 /BB#4 Unmount
6 /BB#5 Unmount
7 /BB#6 Unmount
8 /BB#7 Unmount
9 /BB#8 Unmount
10 /BB#9 Unmount
11 /BB#10 Unmount
12 /BB#11 Unmount
Select [1-12|c:cancel] :
Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Please select the BB or a type of FRU to be replaced.
Select th e FRU requiring maintenance by sp ecifying it with a numeric ke y.
When the system is configured without a crossbar box, the following screen is
not displayed. Proceed to step 4.
In the following example, since the SPARC M10-4S chassis itself is selected, "1" is
Select th e FRU requiring maintenance by sp ecifying it with a numeric ke y.
In the following example, since BB#0 is showing "Degraded" indicating
abnormality, "1" is entered.
Select th e FRU requiring maintenance by sp ecifying it with a numeric ke y.
In the following example, since the SPARC M10-4S chassis itself is faulty, "1" is
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 201354