Note -
Read and understand the instructions in this chapter before starting the maintenance
work. Also see the contents of "Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work."
Table 14-1
Types of maintenance for PSU backplane unit
Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold (*1) System stopped
Single-chassis configuration
Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported Supported Supported
Build in g block confi g u rat io n
Unsupported Supported (*2) Unsupported Supported Supported
*1: For a single-chassis configuration, the inactive/cold maintenance procedure is the same as that for stopping the system, therefore see
the procedure for system-stopped maintenance.
*2: It is necessary to use dynamic reconfiguration (DR) to disconnect a chassis requiring maintenance from the physical partition.
Table 14-2
Maintenance flow
Details of update process Replacement
1 Preparation 14.3
2 Removing the PSU backplane unit 14.4
3 Installing the PSU backplane unit 14.5
4 Restoring the system 14.6
14.2.1 Types of maintenance
Table 14-1 lists the types of maintenance for the PSU backplane unit. For the
definition of maintenance, see "4.3 Understanding Types of Maintenance."
14.2.2 Maintenance flow
Table 14-2 lists the sequence of the maintenance procedure for the PSU backplane
14.3 Enabling the Removal of the PSU
Backplane Unit
This section describes the preparation that must be completed prior to removing the
PSU backplane unit. The preparation procedure differs depending on the maintenance
type as follows:
Chapter 14 Maintaining the PSU Backplane Unit 267