SPARC M 10-4S;
+ Serial:2081229003; Operator_Panel_Switch:Service;
+ System_Power:On; System_Phase:Cabinet Power On;
Partition#0 PPAR_Status:Running;
BB#00 Status:Normal; Role:Master; Ver:2050h; Serial:2081229003;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA07361-D202 A0 ;
+ Power_Supply_System: ;
+ Memory_Size:320 GB;
PCI#0 Status:Normal; Name_Property:pci;
+ Vendor-ID:108e; Device-ID:9020;
+ Subsystem_Vendor-ID:0000; Subsystem-ID:0000;
+ Model:;
+ Connection:7001;
* PCIBOX#7001; Status:Faulted; Ver:1110h; Serial:2121237001;
+ FRU-Part-Number:;
IOB Status:Normal; Serial:PP123403JE ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA20365-B66X 008AG ;
LINKBOARD Status:Normal; Serial:PP1234026P ;
+ FRU-Part-Number:CA20365-B60X 001AA ;
PCI#1 Name_Property:ethernet;
+ Vendor-ID:1077; Device-ID:8000;
+ Subsystem_Vendor-ID:1077; Subsystem-ID:017e;
+ Model:;
MBU Status:Normal;
* MEM#0A Status:Faulted;
Table 3-1
Status of components
Display D escription
Normal The unit is in the normal state.
Faulted The unit is faulty and is not operating.
Degraded A part of the unit has failed or degraded, but the unit is running.
showstatus command
Execute the showstatus command to check the status of the components.
Log in to the XSCF s hell.
Execute the sho w status command to check th e status.
A failed component is indicated by an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line.
The status of the component is displayed following "Status:".
Table 3-1 describes the status of the components.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 201336