Caution -
Do not connect the wrist strap clip to the ESD mat. By connecting the wrist
strap clip to the chassis, the operator and components have the same level of
potential, thus eliminating the danger of static damage.
How to use a w rist strap
Wear a wrist strap in such a way that the inner metal surface (A in the figure) of the
wrist strap band is in contact with your skin. Connect the clip (B in the figure)
directly to the chassis.
Figure 1-7
Wrist strap connection destination
1.6 Other Precautions
Printed boards in the chassis can be easily damaged by static electricity. To
prevent damage to printed boards, wear a wrist strap and ground it to the chassis
prior to starting maintenance.
When mounting any component in the chassis, check the connectors on both of the
chassis and component beforehand to confirm that none of the pins are bent and
that all the pins are neatly arranged in lines. If a component is mounted with a
bent pin in a connector, the chassis or component may be damaged. Also, carefully
proceed with the work to prevent any pin from being bent.
Chapter 1 Before Starting Maintenance Work 7