388 Configuring Switching Information
The Dynamic ARP Inspection Global Configuration page contains the following fields:
Validate Source MAC
— Select the DAI Source MAC Validation Mode for the switch. If you select
Enable, Sender MAC validation for the ARP packets will be enabled. The default is Disable.
Validate Destination MAC
—Select the DAI Destination MAC Validation Mode for the switch. If you
select Enable, Destination MAC validation for the ARP Response packets will be enabled. The default
is Disable.
Va li da te IP
—Select the DAI IP Validation Mode for the switch. If you select Enable, IP Address
validation for the ARP packets will be enabled. The default is Disable.
Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection With CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, refer to the following chapter in
CLI Reference Guide
• Dynamic ARP Inspection Commands
DAI Interface Configuration
Use the DAI Interface Configuration page to select the DAI Interface for which information is to be
displayed or configured.
To display the DAI Interface Configuration page, click Switching > Dynamic ARP Inspection > DAI
Interface Configuration in the navigation tree.