Configuring IPv6 583
The DHCPv6 Statistics page displays the following fields:
— Select the interface for which data is to be displayed or configured. On selecting
, data
is shown for all interfaces.
Messages Received
This section specifies the aggregate of all interface level statistics for received messages:
DHCPv6 Solicit Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Solicits.
DHCPv6 Request Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Requests.
DHCPv6 Confirm Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Confirms.
DHCPv6 Renew Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Renews.
DHCPv6 Rebind Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Rebinds.
DHCPv6 Release Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Releases.
DHCPv6 Decline Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Declines.
DHCPv6 Inform Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Informs.
DHCPv6 Relay-forward Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Relay forwards.
DHCPv6 Relay-reply Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Relay Replies.
DHCPv6 Malformed Packets Received
— Specifies the number of Malformed Packets.
Received DHCPv6 Packets Discarded
— Specifies the number of Packets Discarded.
Total DHCPv6 Packets Received
— Specifies the total number of Packets Received.
Messages Sent
This section specifies the aggregate of all interface level statistics for messages sent:
DHCPv6 Advertisement Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Advertisements.
DHCPv6 Reply Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Replies.
DHCPv6 Reconfig Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Reconfigurations.
DHCPv6 Relay-forward Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Relay forwards.
DHCPv6 Relay-reply Packets Transmitted
— Specifies the number of Relay Replies.
Total DHCPv6 Packets Sent
— Specifies the total number of Packets Transmitted.
— Resets the interface packet counters.
Displaying DHCPv6 Statistics
Open the
DHCPv6 Statistics
Select the interface to be displayed from the Interface drop-down menu.
DHCPv6 statistics display for the selected interface.