406 Configuring Switching Information
IP Source Guard
IP source guard (IPSG) is a security feature that filters IP packets based on source ID. The source ID may
either be source IP address or a {source IP address, source MAC address} pair. IPSG is disabled by
NOTE: The PowerConnect 6220 does not support IPSG.
The IP Source Guard menu page contains links to the following features:
• IPSG Interface Configuration
• IPSG Binding Configuration
• IPSG Binding Configuration Summary
IPSG Interface Configuration
Use the IPSG Interface Configuration page to configure IPSG on an interface.
To access the IPSG Interface Configuration page, click Switching > DHCP Snooping > IP Source
Guard > IPSG Interface Configuration in the navigation tree.
Figure 7-120. IPSG Interface Configuration
The IPSG Interface Configuration page contains the following fields:
— Select the interface on which IPSG is to be configured.
— When enabled, drops all IP packets except the packets that match the source IP of any entry
in the IPSG bindings table (irrespective of source Mac address).
IPSG Port Security
— When enabled , considers source MAC address for filtering out IP packets.
NOTE: Once IPSG Port security is enabled, it cannot not be disabled without disabling IPSG and IPSG Port security,
and reenabling IPSG.