Configuring Dell PowerConnect 83
Security Management and Password Configuration
System security is handled through the AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting)
mechanism that manages user access rights, privileges, and management methods. AAA uses both local
and remote user databases. Data encryption is handled through the SSH mechanism.
The system is delivered with no default password configured; all passwords are user-defined. If a user-
defined password is lost, a password recovery procedure can be invoked from the Boot menu. The
procedure is applicable for the local terminal only and allows a one-time access to the switch from the
local terminal with no password entered.
Configuring Security Passwords
The security passwords can be configured for the following services:
Note: When creating a user name, the default priority is "1," which allows access but not configuration rights. A
priority of "15" must be set to enable access and configuration rights to the switch.
Configuring an Initial Console Password
To configure an initial console password, enter the following commands:
console(config)#aaa authentication login default line
console(config)#aaa authentication enable default line
console(config)#line console
console(config-line)#login authentication default
console(config-line)#enable authentication default
console(config-line)#password secret123
• When initially logging on to a switch through a console session, enter
at the password
• When changing a switch’s mode to enable, enter
at the password prompt.