Local Interface Address:
1 This address is the local interface address to be used by this AS/400 for
point-to-point communications.
You can do one of the following:
v Enter a new interface address.
v Enter a new interface address on the same network as an existing
interface when you want to tie two AS/400 systems together.
v Choose *DYNAMIC.
Use the special value *DYNAMIC when the remote system specifies a
local interface address for your system. If you specify *DYNAMIC, you
must use a connection dialog script. Both the connection dialog script
and the remote system must support IP address passing.
Remote IP Address:
2 Enter the IP address of the remote system for this profile. This address is
the local interface address on the remote system.
Specify *DYNAMIC to allow the remote address to be determined
dynamically. You need this special value when the remote system specifies
a remote IP address for your system.
Note: *DYNAMIC requires use of a connection dialog script.
Request Header Compression:
3 The default, Y, indicates this system compresses header information when it
establishes the point-to-point connection. If the remote system does not
support the header compression, which is called Van Jacobson (VJ) header
Add TCP/IP Point-to-Point *DIAL Profile
System: SYSNAM
Name: EEL
Type choices, press Enter.
Remote system access information: 12
Remote service phone number
Remote service access name
Remote service access password
F2=Change modem information F3=Exit F4=List F9=Command line
Figure 102. Creating a *DIAL Configuration Profile-Display 4
Chapter 4. Configuring Point-to-Point TCP/IP (PPP and SLIP) 149