Table 34. LPD Subcommands (continued)
Subcommand LPD Hex Code
Receive Control File First X X'04'
Receive Data File with Unspecified Length X X'05'
LPD-Supported Commands for Control File Printing
Table 35 identifies the LPD control file printing commands that the AS/400 system
supports. A control file is used to pass all of the printing options and attributes that
were selected on the SNDTCPSPLF command to the LPD process on the
destination system. You cannot update the control file.
Table 35. Control File Printing Commands
Command LPD Letter Code
Plot CIF (CalTech Intermediate file) File c
Print DVI (device-independent) File d
Print Formatted File X f
Print Plot File g
Reserved k
Print File Leaving Control Characters X l
Print ditroff (device-independent troff) Output
Print File with PR Command Format p
Print File with FORTRAN Carriage Control r
Print troff Output File t
Print Verbatim File X v
Extended Print Command x
LPD-Supported Control File Options and Attributes
Table 36 identifies the LPD control file options and attributes that the AS/400 system
supports. The attributes that the AS/400 implementation of LPD does not support
are ignored if sent with the spooled file.
The control file and attribute information are not used when sending files from one
AS/400 system to another if the file was not transformed before sending. In this
case, all the attributes of the spooled file on the receiving system are the same as
they were on the sending system.
Table 36. Control File Options and Attributes
Option or Attribute LPD Letter Code
Class for banner page C
Host name X H
Indent printing I
Job name for banner page J
Print banner page L
Mail when printed M
Name of source file
Chapter 12. Line Printer Daemon (LPD) 369