7 Character conversion option Output Binary(4)
Exit Point Format Name: RXCS0100
Note: Character data passes to the exit program in the coded character set
identifier (CCSID) of the job. If the job CCSID is 65535, the server uses the
default CCSID of the job.
Required Parameter Group
User profile
INPUT; CHAR(10) The user profile under which the requested operation is run.
Remote IP address
INPUT; CHAR(*) The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the REXEC client
system. This string is in dotted decimal format, left justified.
Length of remote IP address
INPUT; BINARY(4) Indicates the length (in bytes) of the remote IP address.
Command string
INPUT; CHAR(*) The command to be run as specified by the REXEC client.
Length of command string
INPUT; BINARY(4) Indicates the length (in bytes) of the command string.
Command processor identifier
OUTPUT; BINARY(4) Indicates the command processor that you want the
server to use for interpreting and running the command. The following values
are valid:
0 AS/400 Control Language
The server processes the command as an AS/400 control language
(CL) command. This is the default value.
1 Qshell command
The Qshell command interpreter processes the command. The server
uses the spawn() application program interface (API) to call QShell as a
child job.
2 Spawn path name
The server treats the command name as a path name and passes it to
the spawn() application program interface (API), which runs as a child
Character conversion option
OUTPUT; BINARY(4) Indicates whether the REXEC server performs
ASCII-EBCDIC character conversion for data that is passed on the stdin, stdout,
and stderr streams. These values are valid:
0 Do not convert data. The server transfers all data on the stdin, stdout,
and stderr streams without converting it.
1 Convert data.
v The server converts data in the stdin stream from the ASCII CCSID
that the CHGRXCA command specifies to the job CCSID. If the job
CCSID is 65535, the server uses the default CCSID of the job.
552 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4