Table 69. ASCII-to-EBCDIC Mapping (continued)
Main Storage Bit
Positions 4,5,6,7
Main Storage Bit Positions 0,1,2,3
1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
Hex 8 9 A B C D E F
0111 7 2F267DF7C7E687A6
1000 8 16 18 4D F8 C8 E7 88 A7
1001 9 05 19 5D F9 C9 E8 89 A8
1010 A 25 3F 5C 7A D1 E9 91 A9
1011 B 0B 27 4E 5E D2 AD 92 C0
1100 C 0C226B4CD3E0934F
1101 D 0D1D607ED4BD94D0
1110 E 0E 35 4B 6E D5 5F 95 A1
1111 F 0F 1F 61 6F D6 6D 96 07
ASCII Line Drawing Character Set
The mapping tables that are used for the ASCII line drawing character set depend
on what national language you are using. These tables are built dynamically and
are based on your national language.
You can identify the table object (*TBL) using the Work with Objects command:
WRKOBJ OBJ(QUSRSYS/Q*) OBJTYPE(*TBL). All of the system table objects are
in the QUSRSYS library. If the character set is EBCDIC to ASCII, the table object is
named QxxxA0MA5K where
is the EBCDIC code page that you are using. If the
character set is ASCII to EBCDIC, the table object is named QA5K697xxx where
is the EBCDIC code page that you are using. For example, on US systems, the
code page value is usually 037. On non-US systems, the code page value would be
a different number.
You can view this object using the Work with Tables (WRKTBL) command.
530 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4