Tracing SMTP Distributions
Each of the four SMTP jobs uses a flight recorder to collect trace information as
distributions are processed by SMTP. The flight recorders are created automatically
as rolling buffers in user space objects that can store approximately 2000 records of
trace information. Once the flight recorder user spaces become full, the oldest trace
records are overwritten when new trace records are generated. The five flight
recorder user spaces are found in the QTEMP library for each job as *USRSPC
object types with object names QTMSFLRCS1 through QTMSFLRCS5. To view the
contents of an SMTP flight recorder:
1. Type the following command to check that SMTP jobs are running:
2. If no active jobs are displayed, type the following command to start the SMTP
3. Enter option 6 (Release) next to the job for the flight recorder that you wish to
view. A message will appear at the bottom of the screen with the job
number/user/job name. Note this information and enter STRSRVJOB (Start
Service Job) with the information as parameters on the command.
4. Type the following command to dump the flight recorder for the SMTP job that
is being serviced:
The message Dump output directed to spooled file appears.
The object name in the example (QTMSFLRCS1) will dump the flight recorder
user space for job 1 (QTSMTPCLTP, an SMTP client pre-start job) only. To
dump the flight recorder spaces for the other jobs, repeat the command
substituting the numbers ’2’, ’3’, ’4’, or ’5’ in place of the number ’1’.
5. Type the following command to end job servicing:
The job names corresponding to these job numbers are QTMSFLRCS2 for the
QTSMTPSRVP server pre-start jobs, QTMSFLRCS3 for the QTSMTPBRCL
bridge client job, QTMSFLRCS4 for the QTSMTPBRSR bridge server job, and
QTMSFLRCS5 for the QMSF message forwarding jobs.
Display Physical File Member
File......: MSG Library ....: TCPLIBA
Member.....: MSG Record.....: 1
Control ..... Column.....: 547
now, Tester....... 01RCHSX3830
(SMTP Version 1) Release 3.0 with BSMTP id. Date: Tue, 03 Apr 90 01RCHSX3830
****** END OF DATA ******
Figure 278. Received Messages (8 of 8)
Chapter 21. TCP/IP Problem Analysis 469