CRTLINASC Parameters For a Direct Connection:
This topic provides a sample
asynchronous line description for a direct connection. The line description name is
NOMODEMLIN. NOMODEMLIN uses resource LIN022. It was created to be used
with AS/400 point-to-point TCP/IP. This example assumes that asynchronous ports
of AS/400 and the remote system are directly connected through a NULL modem
The name of the line description- you specify this name in any AS/400 TCP/IP
point-to-point configuration profile that uses this line.
The unique name that AS/400 has assigned to identify the physical
communications port attached to your system. This example uses LIN022 is the
Create Line Desc (Async) (CRTLINASC)
Type choices, press Enter.
Line description........LIND > MODEMLIN
Resource name .........RSRCNAME > LIN011
Online at IPL .........ONLINE *YES
Physical interface.......INTERFACE *RS232V24
Connection type ........CNN> *SWTPP
Switched network backup ....SNBU *NO
Vary on wait..........VRYWAIT *NOWAIT
Autocall unit .........AUTOCALL *NO
Data bits per character ....BITSCHAR 8
Type of parity.........PARITY *NONE
Stop bits ...........STOPBITS 1
Duplex.............DUPLEX *FULL
Echo support..........ECHO *NONE
Line speed...........LINESPEED > 19200
Modem type supported......MODEM *NORMAL
Switched connection type....SWTCNN> *DIAL
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Create Line Desc (Async) (CRTLINASC)
Type choices, press Enter.
Autoanswer...........AUTOANS> *NO
Autodial............AUTODIAL> *YES
Dial command type .......DIALCMD> *OTHER
Autocall resource name.....ACRSRCNAME
Calling number.........CALLNBR *NONE
Inactivity timer........INACTTMR> *NOMAX
Maximum buffer size ......MAXBUFFER > 1500
Flow control..........FLOWCNTL *NO
XON character .........XONCHAR 11
XOFF character.........XOFFCHAR 13
End-of-Record table: EORTBL
End-of-Record character . . . 00
Trailing characters ..... 0
+ for more values
Figure 103. Creating an Asynchronous Line Description for a Line With a Modem-Example
Chapter 4. Configuring Point-to-Point TCP/IP (PPP and SLIP) 155