Displaying Connection Totals
To display a summary of TCP and UDP counts, press F10 on the Work with TCP/IP
Connection Status display. The counts provided are a cumulative summary of all
TCP and UDP activity since the last time the STRTCP (Start TCP) command was
Display TCP Connection Status
System: SYSNAM04
Bytes out...................: 57692
Outgoing bytes buffered...........: 0
User send next ...............: 3270868150
Send next..................: 3270868150
Send unacknowledged.............: 3270868150
Outgoing push number ............: 3270868149
Outgoing urgency number...........: 3270868149
Outgoing window number ...........: 3270896558
Bytes in ...................: 1021
Incoming bytes buffered...........: 0
Receive next ................: 1545153023
User receive next..............: 1545153023
Incoming push number ............: 1545153023
Incoming urgency number...........: 1545153022
Incoming window number ...........: 1545160742
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print F10=Display IP options F12=Cancel
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field
Figure 51. Display TCP/IP Connection Status, Display 2 of 3
Display TCP Connection Status
System: SYSNAM04
Retransmission information:
Total retransmissions............: 8
Current retransmissions...........: 0
Send window information:
Maximum size ................: 28672
Current size ................: 28408
Last update.................: 1545153004
Last update acknowledged ..........: 3270868150
Congestion window..............: 2704
Slow start threshold ............: 1281
Precedence and security:
Precedence .................: 0
Initialization information:
Maximum segment size ............: 536
Initial send sequence number ........: 3270810457
Initial receive sequence number.......: 1545152001
Press Enter to continue.
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Print F10=Display IP options F12=Cancel
F14=Display port numbers F22=Display entire field
Figure 52. Display TCP/IP Connection Status, Display 3 of 3
Chapter 3. TCP/IP: Operation, Management, and Advanced Topics 71