4. Page down to the display that shows the
Preferred address
Address type
5. Since this is a SNADS system, the
Preferred address
for this entry should
already be set to 1 (User ID/Address).
6. Set
Address type
7. Press Enter to save your changes.
Address Types
Standard POP implementations can address mail only with Internet addresses. If an
Internet address needs to be converted to a different type of address, the
conversion is performed by a gateway somewhere in the network. (The gateway
may be the AS/400 Mail Server Framework). Client Access-based mail clients, in
Change Directory Entry User ID/Address
Type changes, press Enter.
Description...... SYSTEM2 Mail Users :ROCHESTE
System name/Group... SYSTEM2 _______ F4 for list
User profile ..... __________ F4 for list
Network user ID.... *ANY SYSTEM2
Last ........ ________________________________________
First........ ____________________
Middle ....... ____________________
Preferred...... ____________________
Full ........ _________________________________________________
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F18=Display location details
Figure 194. Change Directory Entry Display — Display 1
Change Directory Entry
User ID/Address....: *ANY SYSTEM2
Type changes, press Enter.
Mail service level . . 1 1=User index
2=System message store
3=Other mail service
For choice 3=Other mail service:
Field name .... F4forlist
Preferred address... 1 1=User ID/Address
2=O/R name
3=SMTP name
4=Other preferred address
Address type .... TNDENDGN F4 for list
For choice 4=Other preferred address:
Field name .... F4forlist
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F18=Display location details
Figure 195. Change Directory Entry Display — Display 2
310 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4