See Figure 191 on page 307 for an example of a note generated by the
AnyMail/400 framework to a POP user. In this example, the memo slips will always
be in the default MIME charset US-ASCII. The contents of the note will be in the
best fit or forced fit character set as determined by the POP3 Server’s configuration.
The text tags that are generated by OfficeVision in the content of the note will not
be removed, hence you may see the subject and other tags twice.
Binary attachments are converted into a MIME part of a multipart/mixed note and
the stored type and subtype are placed in the Content-Type header. A
parameter is added to the Content-Type header with the stored filename.ext. This
name is also used as the Content-Description.
Table 26. MIME Primary Heading Content Types
Type Subtype
Counterpart Notes
None None Note This is a simple SMTP note that uses only RFC822
Text Plain Note This is treated the same as SMTP simple note;
however, a character set can be used.
Multipart Mix Note and possibly
Each part’s type and subtype determines how it is
handled. See Table 27.
Multipart Parallel or Digest or
Alternative or
Extension- token
Note and Document This combination cannot be parsed, its contents are
spooled to an OfficeVision Document, PC file.
Message RFC822 Note and possibly
This is usually an embedded note and could be a
MIME with a content type of MultiPart Mixed. See
the multipart explanation in this table.
Message Partial Note and possibly
This combination cannot be parsed. Its contents are
spooled to an OfficeVision Document, PC file.
Message External- body Note and Document This combination cannot be parsed. Its contents are
spooled to an OfficeVision Document, PC file.
Table 27. Mapping MIME Note’s Part Type and Subtypes to OfficeVision
Type Subtype
Counterpart Notes
None None Note or part of the
OfficeVision note
Treated as simple note; assumes the character
set is US-ASCII
Text Plain Note or part of the
OfficeVision note
Same as a simple note, but the character set is
honored if it is present as an attribute to the
Content-type header.
Text Enhanced Note or part of the
OfficeVision note
Same as Simple note, but the character set is
honored if it is present as an attribute to the
Content-type header. The text is passed as is.
Enhanced tags will be present in text.
Image Any subtype
OfficeVision Document
PC file
Type and subtype are preserved along with the
derived file name.
Audio Any subtype
OfficeVision Document
PC file
Type and subtype are preserved along with the
derived file name.
Video Any subtype
OfficeVision Document
PC file
Type and subtype are preserved along with the
derived file name.
Application Any subtype
OfficeVision Document
PC file
Type and subtype are preserved along with the
derived file name.
306 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4