IBM AS/400e Computer Hardware User Manual

command, CL
CHKCMNTRC (Check Communications Trace) 147
CL commands 509
Configure TCP/IP Applications (CFGTCPAPP) 378,
Configure TCP/IP RouteD (CFGTCPRTD) 392, 397
Configure TCP/IP Workstation Gateway Server
Configure TCP/IP Workstation Gateway Server
(CFGTCPWSG) command 321
Create Authorization List (CRTAUTL) 146, 147
Create Controller Description (Network)
Create Controller Description (Virtual Work Station)
Create Device Description (Display)
Create Device Description (Network) 505
Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) 352
Create Table (CRTTBL) 518, 521
Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF)
3270 full-screen mode 191
ASCII line mode 215
VTxxx full-screen mode 201
CRTAUTL (Create Authorization List) 146, 147
CRTCTLNET (Create Controller Description
(Network)) 505
CRTCTLVWS (Create Controller Description (Virtual
Work Station)) 215
CRTDEVDSP (Create Device Description
(Display)) 215
CRTDEVNET (Create Device Description
(Network)) 505
CRTOUTQ (Create Output Queue) 352
CRTTBL (Create Table) 518, 521
CRTUSRPRF (Create User Profile)
3270 full-screen mode 191
ASCII line mode 215
VTxxx full-screen mode 201
Delete Communications Trace (DLTCMNTRC) 493
Delete Table (DLTTBL) 523
Display Keyboard Map (DSPKBDMAP) 192
Display VT Keyboard Map (DSPVTMAP) 205
DLTCMNTRC (Delete Communications Trace) 493
DLTTBL (Delete Table) 523
DSPKBDMAP (Display Keyboard Map) 192
DSPVTMAP (Display VT Keyboard Map) 205
End Communications Trace (ENDCMNTRC) 493
End Group Job (ENDGRPJOB) 229
End TCP/IP Connections (ENDTCPCNN) 63
End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR) 320, 367, 378,
384, 392, 400, 416
ENDCMNTRC (End Communications Trace) 493
ENDGRPJOB (End Group Job) 229
ENDTCPCNN (End TCP/IP Connections) 63
ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server) 320, 367, 378,
384, 392, 400, 416
FTP 510
command, CL
Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT)
3270 full-screen mode 189
ASCII line mode 213
VTxxx full-screen mode 199
GRTOBJAUT (Grant Object Authority)
3270 full-screen mode 189
ASCII line mode 213
VTxxx full-screen mode 199
HTTP Server 512
LPD 511
LPR 345
NETSTAT (Network Status) 436
Network Status (NETSTAT) 436
POP Mail Server 511
Print Communications Trace (PRTCMNTRC) 493
PRTCMNTRC (Print Communications Trace) 493
Remove Exit Program (RMVEXITPGM) 540
Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT) 514
RMVEXITPGM (Remove Exit Program) 540
RouteD 512
RVKOBJAUT (Revoke Object Authority) 514
Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) 345
Set Keyboard Map (SETKBDMAP) 193
Set VT Keyboard Map (SETVTMAP) 206
Set VT Mapping Tables (SETVTTBL) 207
SETKBDMAP (Set Keyboard Map) 193
SETVTMAP (Set VT Keyboard Map) 206
SETVTTBL (Set VT Mapping Tables) 207
SMTP 511
SNDTCPSPLF (Send TCP/IP Spooled File) 345
Start Communications Trace (STRCMNTRC) 493
Start PDM (STRPDM) 330
Start Remote Writer (STRRMTWTR) 355
Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU) 518
Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) 43, 337
Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) 320, 366, 378,
383, 391, 399, 416
Start TCP/IP Telnet (STRTCPTELN) 220
STRCMNTRC (Start Communications Trace) 493
STRPDM (Start PDM) 330
STRRMTWTR (Start Remote Writer) 355
STRSEU (Start Source Entry Utility) 518
STRTCP (Start TCP/IP) 43, 337
STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server) 320, 366, 378,
383, 391, 399, 416
STRTCPTELN (Start TCP/IP Telnet) 220
TFRGRPJOB (Transfer to Group Job) 228
TFTP 512
Trace TCP/IP Application (TRCTCPAPP) 455
Transfer to Group Job (TFRGRPJOB) 228
TRCTCPAPP (Trace TCP/IP Application) 455
Verify TCP/IP Connection (VFYTCPCNN) 47
VFYTCPCNN (Verify TCP/IP Connection) 47
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) 138, 363,
Work with BOOTP Table (WRKBPTBL) 379
Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) 229
Index 609