3. If ’More...’ appears on the display and you need to continue searching for the
spooled file, page forward or backward through the list of files; otherwise,
continue with the next step.
4. Type a 5 in the Opt column next to the spooled file QTCPPRT that you want to
display. QTCPPRT contains the communications trace.
Note: The last files contain the communications traces if you just ran the trace.
5. Press the Enter key. For example, the following display appears:
6. Verify that this is a communications trace for the line traced and that the time
the trace started and ended are correct.
The trace that is collected by the service tool is automatically deleted if you perform
an IPL; however, the spooled file is still saved.
If you page down to the start of the actual TCP/IP data in the communications trace
you will see a display similar to the following:
Display Spooled File
File .....: QTCPPRT Page/Line 1/1
Control..... Columns 1 - 78
Find ......
Trace Description .....: TCP/IP TRACE
Configuration object....: TRNLINE
Type............: 1 1=Line, 2=Network Interface
3=Network server
Object protocol ......: TRN
Start date/Time ......: 04/08/97 10:10:35.699
End date/Time .......: 04/08/97 10:11:38.900
Bytes collected ......: 41425
Buffer size ........: 1 1=128K, 2=256K, 3=2M, 4=4M
5=6M, 6=8M, 7=16M, 8=32M
Data direction.......: 3 1=Sent, 2=Received, 3=Both
Stop on buffer full ....: N Y=Yes, N=No
F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right F24=More keys
502 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4