3. Verify that the correct ASCII CCSID is configured for the REXEC server. If not,
set the correct CCSID with the CHGRXCA command.
Materials Required for Reporting REXEC Problems
Any REXEC problem reported to IBM should include the following:
v A communications trace from the time of the failure (Request TCP/IP data only)
formatted for ASCII. If you are not familiar with the procedure for collecting a
communications trace, refer to “Collecting a Communications Trace” on page 493
and “Formatting and Saving the Communications Trace” on page 499.
v If the REXEC server has logged software error data, submit this information.
Note: The system value QSFWERRLOG must be set to *LOG for software error
logging to take place. If an error occurs while QSFWERRLOG is set to
*NOLOG, change the value to *LOG, try to recreate the error, and submit
the logged software error data. If logged software error data is submitted,
there is no need to perform a trace of the REXEC server.
v The QTCPIP and any REXEC server job logs.
Getting a Copy of an REXEC Server Job Log
To have the REXEC server save job logs, see “Creating REXEC Server Spooled
Job Logs” on page 403.
Tracing the REXEC Server
The REXEC server can be traced by creating a data area. Note that running the
REXEC server with trace running may cause a significant performance impact.
To trace the REXEC server:
1. Create the data area using the following command: CRTDTAARA
2. Perform the REXEC operation that you want to trace.
3. Delete the data area using the following command: DLTDTAARA
4. Enter the following command to find the output queue:
For example, the following display appears:
The printer device is also the name of the default system output queue.
5. Record the name of the printer device. In this example, PRT01 is the printer
Display System Value
System value.....: QPRTDEV
Description .....: Printer device description
Printer device....: PRT01 Name
Figure 284. Display System Value Display
Chapter 21. TCP/IP Problem Analysis 491