This support also includes an address book function that provides high-performance
client/server access to an address book that is periodically refreshed from the
AS/400 system distribution directory.
Finally, the following connection types are supported between the Client
Access-based client and the POP server:
v TCP/IP protocol
v IPX/SPX protocol
v SNA protocol.
When you connect to the POP server using Client Access, you gain the benefit of
secure logon - the password encryption that Client Access provides.
See “AS/400 Address Book” on page 311 for more information on the supported
address types, and for information about how data is mapped from the system
distribution directory to the address book cache. See “Configuring POP for Client
Access-Based Mail Users” on page 294 for information on how to configure this
How to Get the POP Server Up and Running
To get the POP server up and running, you must do the following:
1. Install TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for AS/400.
v Use option 12 of the Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) command to display the
local domain and host names used to identify the local system.
If local domain and host names are present, record them for later use. If
they are not present, fill this information in, and record it. You will need this
information when you set up clients.
2. Use the Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command to determine if the
QSNADS subsystem is running. If not, use the Start Subsystem (STRSBS)
command to start the QSNADS subsystem:
3. With QSNADS running, use the WRKACTJOB command to determine if the
mail server framework is running (look in subsystem QSYSWRK for jobs
named QMSF). If the framework is not running, use the Start Mail Server
Framework (STRMSF) command to start it.
4. If you are using a Client Access connection, install the following products on
your system:
v SS1 product, Host Servers
v XA1 product, Client Access/400 Base Family
v XD1 product, Client Access/400 for Windows 95/NT
5. If you are using Client Access for Windows 95/NT to connect to the POP
server with the IPX protocol, define and start IPX. See
Internetwork Packet
Exchange (IPX) Support
for information on how to do this.
6. If you are using Client Access connections (of any type), run the Start Host
Server (STRHOSTSVR) command, as follows:
288 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4