The distinction between FTP client and FTP server is from the viewpoint of where
the FTP commands are initiated, and not from the viewpoint of where the data
resides. Thus, the commands are initiated from the FTP client session, while the
files being transferred may initially reside on either system.
Starting the FTP Client Session
This material is covered in the AS/400e Information Center under the TCP/IP
topic. For more information see “TCP/IP Topics in the Information Center” on
page xv.
Alternative Start Commands
There are several ways to start an FTP client session:
v Use the Start TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol (STRTCPFTP) command (the
instructions for using this command follow).
v The AS/400 system allows you to use the FTP command. This command
performs the same functions as the STRTCPFTP command.
v Select option 9 (Start TCP/IP FTP session) from the TCP/IP Administration menu.
To get to the TCP/IP Administration menu, type GO TCPADM on the command
line of the AS/400 Main menu.
To start an FTP client session using the STRTCPFTP command:
1. Type STRTCPFTP on the command line.
2. Press F4 (Prompt). The prompt for the remote system is displayed as shown in
Figure 147.
3. Type in the name or internet address of the remote system with which you want
to start your FTP session.
4. Press the Enter key.
A prompt for the coded character set identifier (CCSID) is displayed as shown in
Figure 148 on page 238.
The CCSID parameter is displayed with the value *DFT. This parameter specifies
the ASCII CCSID to be used for single-byte character set (SBCS) ASCII file
transfers when the FTP TYPE mode is set to ASCII. When *DFT is specified, the
default CCSID value is 819 (ISO 8859-1 8-bit ASCII).
For some AS/400 systems, character conversion between the EBCDIC CCSID
specified by your job and the default CCSID 819 may not be available. When this is
Start TCP/IP File Transfer (STRTCPFTP)
Type choices, press Enter.
Remote system ......... ___________________________________
Figure 147. Prompt for the Remote System
Chapter 7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client 237