/* */
/* None */
/* */
/* Messages: */
/* */
/* None */
/* */
/* Side Effects: */
/* */
/* None */
/* */
/* Functions/Macros called: */
/* */
/* CheckClientAddress - Check the ClientIPaddr_p input argument.*/
/* memcpy - Copy bytes from source to destination. */
/* memset - Set bytes to value. */
/* strstr - Locate first occurrence of substring. */
/* sprintf - Formatted print to buffer. */
/* */
/* Input: */
/* int ApplId - Application Identifier (Server = 1). */
/* char * UserId_p - User identifier from client program. */
/* (For FTP server, USER subcommand data)*/
Figure 301. Sample FTP Logon Exit Program (Part 11 of 26)
/* int Lgth_UserId - Length (in bytes) of user ID string. */
/* char * AuthStr_p - Authentication string from client. */
/* (For FTP server, this is the password)*/
/* int Lgth_AuthStr - Length (bytes) Authentication string. */
/* char * ClientIPaddr_p - Internet Protocol address from which */
/* the session originates. */
/* int * Lgth_ClientIPaddr - Length (in bytes) of IP address. */
/* */
/* Output: */
/* int * ReturnCode: Indicates degree of success of operation: */
/* ReturnCode=0-Reject logon. */
/* ReturnCode=1-Continue logon; use initial current library*/
/* ReturnCode=2-Continue logon; override initial current */
/* library */
/* ReturnCode=3-Continue logon; override user, password */
/* ReturnCode=4-Continue logon; override user, password, */
/* current library */
/* ReturnCode=5-Accept logon; override user profile */
/* ReturnCode=6-Accept logon; override user profile, */
/* current library */
/* char * UserProfile - User profile to use for this session */
/* char * Password - Password to use for this session */
/* char * Init_Cur_Lib - Initial current library for this session */
Figure 301. Sample FTP Logon Exit Program (Part 12 of 26)
Appendix E. TCP/IP Application Exit Points and Programs 561