Determining Problems for SMTP Without Using OfficeVision
You use the SNDDST, QRYDST, and RCVDST commands when not using
OfficeVision. If you have successfully sent a distribution using the SNDDST
command, you receive this message Send distribution completed successfully.
This is the only indication that the distribution has been sent and in no way
guarantees the distribution has been received.
It is recommended that you specify Yes for the Confirmation of delivery (CFMDEL)
parameter on the SNDDST command. By specifying Yes, a confirmation of delivery
notification is sent to the user if the distribution fails, which can help to show where
the problem is.
The following examples show the type of information that can be found about
messages sent and received.
Figure 267 on page 465 shows how to determine if there are incoming distributions
for user QSECOFR on RCHSX383 using the QRYDST command.
MAIL P:12 VIEW Instruction Pg:1 Ln:1
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 14:20:54 .
Subject: Undeliverable Mail
AS400A.SYSNAM1.COMPANY.COM unable to deliver following mail.
AS400A.SYSNAM1.COMPANY.COM received negative reply from host:
F3=Exit F7=Window F12=Cancel F16=File remote
F4=Find char F8=Reset F13=Edit option F17=Function
F5=Goto F10=Forward F14=Delete mail F19=Print
F6=Find F11=Reply F15=File local F21=Nondisplay keys
Figure 265. Mail Error Message, Example 2 (1 of 2)
MAIL P:12 VIEW Pg:1 Ln:16
AS400A.SYSNAM1.COMPANY.COM received negative reply from host:
550 User USER2 not recognized.
** Text of Mail follows **
Received from AS400A by AS400A.SYSNAM1.COMPANY.COM (SMTP Version 1) Release 3.0
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 14:15:51 .
F3=Exit F7=Window F12=Cancel F16=File remote
F4=Find char F8=Reset F13=Edit option F17=Function
F5=Goto F10=Forward F14=Delete mail F19=Print
F6=Find F11=Reply F15=File local F21=Nondisplay keys
Figure 266. Mail Error Message, Example 2 (2 of 2)
464 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4