v The server converts data in the stdout and sterr streams from the job
CCSID to the ASCII CCSID that the CHGRXCA command specifies.
If the job CCSID is 65535, the server uses the default CCSID of the
This is the default value.
Usage Notes
v If you add exit programs to both the QIBM_QTMX_SERVER_REQ and
QIBM_QTMX_SVR_SELECT exit points, REXEC server first calls the exit
program that you add to the QIBM_QTMX_SERVER_REQ exit point. If this
program allows the operation, the server then calls the exit program that you add
to the QIBM_QTMX_SVR_SELECT exit point.
v When you set the Command processor identifier parameter to 0 (AS/400 Control
Language command), the conversion option is ignored. The server always
performs character conversion for CL commands.
v When you set the command processor identifier to 1 (Qshell Command), the
server sets these environment variables:
– PATH= /usr/bin:
is the user profile)
is the user’s home directory)
If the Qshell Interpreter option of OS/400 is not installed, the REXEC client
receives (in the stdout stream) a REXEC protocol diagnostic message that says
“Qshell interpreter not installed”.
v When you set the Command processor identifier parameter to 1 or 2:
– The server maps the REXEC stdin, stderr, and stdout streams to file
descriptors 0, 1, and 2, respectively.
– The server sets the QIBM_USE_DESCRIPTOR_STDIO environment variable
to Y.
Any other environment variables that the exit program sets are inherited by the
child job.
v If you set the Command processor identifier parameter to 2 and the command
string is not a valid path name for the spawn() API, the message “Incorrect
command or path name specified” is returned to the REXEC client in the stderr
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Exit Points
AS/400 FTP provides three exit points:
v QIBM_QTMF_CLIENT_REQ — FTP Client Request Validation
v QIBM_QTMF_SERVER_REQ — FTP Server Request Validation
You can use these exit points to set up additional security and validation controls for
FTP. The FTP client and server request validation exit points are used to control the
use of FTP subcommands. The server logon exit point authenticates the user who
is trying to logon to the FTP server. Also, you can use the two server exit points to
establish an anonymous FTP server site. (See “Anonymous FTP” on page 568.)
Appendix E. TCP/IP Application Exit Points and Programs 553