OS/2 Server Considerations:
To use OS/2 as an FTP server, you need to set up
a file called TRUSERS in the ETC subdirectory or the directory specified by the
ETC environment variable. This file contains access authorization for users from
client systems. The user IDs and passwords it contains are case sensitive.
Full details are in the
IBM TCP/IP V2.0 for OS/2
manual, SC31-6076. A sample
TRUSERS file is shown in Figure 167.
The FTPD command starts the server on OS/2. As users log on to OS/2 FTP from
client systems, the OS/2 FTP server session displays messages as shown in
Figure 168.
FTP Put Process:
Figure 169 on page 258 shows the PUT subcommand to OS/2
FTP and the associated subcommands that are required. The key points to note are
that the transfer must be done with binary images and that name format 1 is
required to use the QDLS file system. The section of this name following QDLS is
the folder name, in this case QIWSFL2.
[C:\]type c:\tcpip\etc\trusers
rd: c:\
wr: c:\
Figure 167. OS2 TRUSERS Sample File
FTPDC: spawned with socket 55
connection from at Tue May 10 10:10:05 1994
Figure 168. OS2 FTP Server Messages
Chapter 7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client 257