For more information on setting up your Client Access client, see the online
User’s Guide,
the online information for Windows 95, and the information
shipped with Lotus** :Mail**.
7. If SMTP is not set up, you must do the following:
v Get SMTP up and running with entries in the System Distribution Directory
for local users and users of other systems in the network that you might
want to send E-mail to.
8. Set up some system distribution directory entries:
You need a user profile and a directory entry for each local POP user.
Mail service level
must be set to 2 (System message store) and the
Preferred address
should usually be set to 3 (SMTP name). See “Adding POP
Mail Users to the System Distribution Directory” for directions on how to do
this. (If you are using SNADS and not TCP/IP, you can set the
to 1 (User ID/address).)
For security reasons, you may want to set up these user profiles as *SIGNOFF
profiles, since POP mail users do not need to actually sign on to the AS/400
Note: If you use *SIGNOFF profiles, the system administrator will need to
manage password expiration, since *SIGNOFF users will not know
when their passwords expire.
9. Set up your clients.
10. Know what kind of client you are connecting. Make sure that the right
connection type is configured for the server (using the CHGPOPA command).
11. Start the POP Server (see “Starting the POP Server” on page 296).
The remainder of this chapter provides more detailed information about setup,
configuration, exit programs, and ASCII/EBCDIC conversion.
Setting Up Your System and Users
The system distribution directory (SDD) contains entries for users who are
authorized to send and receive messages, data, or objects on the network. These
users are on both the local system and remote systems. Entries in the SDD are for
individual users or groups of users. Entries determine where mail is delivered
(allowing users to send and receive mail from OfficeVision/400, SNADS, and SMTP
mail systems). For more detailed information on the SDD, see the
SNA Distribution
Adding POP Mail Users to the System Distribution Directory
Before you can add users to the system distribution directory (SDD), they must
have a user profile. Once they have a user profile, you can use the Work with
Directory Entries (WRKDIRE) command to add them to the directory.
1. Type WRKDIRE to display the Work with Directory Entries menu.
Chapter 9. Post Office Protocol (POP) Mail Server 289