
Introduction 39
Models 2616RC, 3096RC & 3196RC Admin Reference Guide 2 • Home
The HOME window consists of sections that enable you to:
View general product information about the T-DAC, such as the current software version (see section
“Product information box” on page 40)
View a summary of the system’s operating status that includes the following information:
Number of egress ports on the rear blade
Shelf address
Slot ID
Percent of idle CPU time
Amount of time since the last time the system software was restarted (also referred to as booting)
Current T-DAC (front blade/rear blade) alarm status, which displays the highest-level alarm currently
detected in the T-DAC—listed as Major, Minor, or Clear (for none)
Total alarms active in the T-DAC
See section “Operating status variables” on page 41 for more information.
Initiate the following Operator Actions:
Save any changes you have made to the T-DAC’s system configuration
Perform a hard reset (cold restart) of the system without power-cycling the T-DAC. Reset all the T-
DAC’s configurable parameters to their factory-default values.
See section “Operator Actions” on page 42 for more information.
The HOME window is divided into two panes: the Configuration Menu pane and the configuration/informa-
tion pane (see figure 6). The Configuration Menu contains the links to the various T-DAC subsystem windows,
while the configuration/information pane is where you can view status and other information, or make changes
to the system configuration. Unlike the Configuration Menu pane, which looks the same no matter which sub-
system window you may move to, the configuration/information pane contents will change as you move from
one subsystem window to another.
Clicking on the HOME link in the Configuration Menu pane returns
you to the HOME window from any other window.