- When [VM Pool] is specified for [Resource type]
The migration is performed with a destination VM host selected from a VM pool.
For environments using overcommit, the same overcommit settings must be configured for both the L-Server and VM pools.
- When [VM Host] is specified for [Resource type]
The migration will fail because the destination does not exist. For environments not using overcommit, the same overcommit settings
must be configured for both the L-Server and the VM pool which the VM host belongs to.
Perform one of the following:
- Select a VM host from the list of the destination VM hosts, and then perform the operation again.
- In the [Modify an L-Server] dialog, change the value for "VM host" to "Automatic", and then perform server migration again.
- In the [Modify an L-Server] dialog, change the value for "VM host" to "Pool", check the resources to be allocated, and then
perform server migration again when necessary.
- In the [Modify an L-Server] dialog, change the value for "VM host" to "VM host", check the resources to be allocated, and then
perform server migration again when necessary.
If a VM host is specified for the destination VM host, the migration between servers will be performed regardless of whether or not
overcommit has been configured.
The information set on the VM host to use can be checked using the following methods:
- Select the target L-Server in the orchestration tree, and check "Preserved resource" in the [Resource List] tab
- Select the target L-Server in the orchestration tree, and check "Current resource" in the [Resource Details] tab
Maintenance mode excludes the target VM host from the automatically selected target for migration of a virtual L-Server.
Migration by users is possible.
When performing movement between servers (migration), refer to the chapter of each VM type in "Appendix E" in the "Design Guide CE".
[Solaris Containers]
When an L-Server is located on a VM host with a spare server configured, migration cannot be performed.
When an L-Server is located on a VM host without a spare server configured, migration can be performed to another VM host without a
spare server configured that is sharing the disk.
When using virtual L-Servers, the VM Home Position of ROR VE can be used for migration.
For details, refer to "15.3 VM Home Position" in the "User's Guide VE".
17.8 Allocating and Releasing Resources to L-Servers
This section explains how to allocate resources to, and release resources from, L-Servers.
Even if there are no resources to allocate to L-Servers, flexible configuration and operation, such as creating only L-Server definitions in
advance, is possible.
Configure the following settings, when creating an L-Server.
- Create an L-Server definition
If only creating an L-Server definition, configure "None (Definition only)", when creating an L-Server.
For details, refer to "16.2.1 [General] Tab" and "16.3.1 [General] Tab".
Only IP addresses/MAC addresses/WWNs are allocated to the created L-Server, and "[defined]" is displayed.
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