Power Off and Reboot
Clicking on a power button that shows "Power ON" status will either shut down or reboot the target server blade. A [Power Operation]
dialog is displayed, in which the appropriate action can be selected.
Figure 4.5 Power Operation Dialog
- "Shutdown"
Selecting "Shutdown" will shut down the target server blade. A confirmation dialog is displayed first.
Clicking <OK> in the confirmation dialog shuts down the OS and powers off the managed server.
At this time, the power button changes to an intermediate "Power OFF in progress" state (orange - blinking). The power button finally
displays "Power OFF" status after confirming that the target server has been shut down correctly.
- "Reboot"
Selecting "Reboot" will reboot the target server blade. A confirmation dialog is displayed first.
Clicking <OK> in the confirmation dialog shuts down the OS and reboots the managed server.
At this time, the power button changes to an intermediate "Power ON in progress" state (green - blinking). The power button finally
displays "Power ON" status after confirming that the OS has started up correctly on the target server.
Forced Power Off and Reboot
Clicking on a power button that shows "Power ON" status, and selecting <Options >>> in the displayed [Power Operation] dialog enables
selection of the "Force Shutdown" and "Force Reboot" actions.
A forced shutdown (or reboot) will forcibly power off (or reboot) the managed server blade without waiting for its OS to shut down cleanly.
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