- When the number of disks specified for an L-Server template is 2 or larger, or something other than the above
0 is displayed.
As the saved disk resources that are created from the virtual machine cannot be used as system disks, the number is 0, even if the
L-Server is unused.
- Number of L-Servers that can be created
The following smallest value is displayed:
- Free CPU capacity / the CPU capacity specified in the L-Server template selected from the "Template" select list
- Free memory size / the memory size specified in the L-Server template selected from the "Template" select list (*8)
- Free storage capacity / the storage capacity specified in the L-Server template selected from the "Template" select list
The VM hosts for which standby mode has been set by server virtualization software are excluded from the targets of L-Server
deployment, and other VM hosts in the same cluster become the deployment target location.
When using an L-Server template with dynamic memory settings enabled, VM hosts that do not support dynamic memory are excluded
from being the targets of L-Server deployment. In this case, "0" is displayed for the L-Server conversion number, even when there is
available space on resources.
*2: For the resource pool (VM pool) configured as a resource pool for overcommit, the capacity is calculated according to the specified
calculation method for free space.
When configured to calculate using a maximum value, free CPU capacity/memory size are calculated based on the CPU performance/
memory size of the virtual machine.
When creating a virtual L-Server, if the CPU reservation performance and memory reservation capacity are not specified, the values
are configured as follows:
- CPU reservation performance: 0
- Memory reservation capacity: memory capacity or initial memory size
When configured to calculate using a reservation value, free CPU capacity/memory size are calculated based on the CPU performance/
memory size reserved for the virtual machine. The number of L-Servers that can be created is calculated based on the CPU reservation
performance and the memory reservation capacity specified in the L-Server template.
When the free capacity for VM pools is configured to be calculated using a maximum value, for the virtual machine for which limit
values of CPU/memory has been set to "Unlimited" using VM management software, the calculation is performed assuming the
following values as the maximum values:
- When no limit has been set for CPU performance
The physical CPU performance on the VM host is used
- When no limit has been set for memory size
The memory size set for the virtual machine
When configured to calculate using a reservation value, the values referred to for calculation vary depending on the dynamic memory
settings for the virtual machine and the L-Server template, as follow:
- When Dynamic Memory is Enabled
Free CPU capacity and memory size are calculated based on the CPU performance and initial memory size reserved for the virtual
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