Exploratory Analysis
The first row of the table indicates that 67_alienation depends, directly or indirectly,
on ses only. The total effect of ses on 67_alienation is –0.56. The fact that the effect is
negative means that, all other things being equal, relatively high ses scores are
associated with relatively low 67_alienation scores. Looking in the fifth row of the
table, powles71 depends, directly or indirectly, on ses, 67_alienation, and
71_alienation. Low scores on ses, high scores on 67_alienation, and high scores on
71_alienation are associated with high scores on powles71. See Fox (1980) for more
help in interpreting direct, indirect, and total effects.
Modeling in VB.NET
Model A
The following program fits Model A. It is saved as Ex06–a.vb.
Sub Main()
Dim Sem As New AmosEngine
Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\Wheaton.sav")
Sem.AStructure("anomia67 <--- 67_alienation (1)")
Sem.AStructure("anomia67 <--- eps1 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("powles67 <--- 67_alienation")
Sem.AStructure("powles67 <--- eps2 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("anomia71 <--- 71_alienation (1)")
Sem.AStructure("anomia71 <--- eps3 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("powles71 <--- 71_alienation")
Sem.AStructure("powles71 <--- eps4 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("67_alienation <--- ses")
Sem.AStructure("67_alienation <--- zeta1 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("71_alienation <--- 67_alienation")
Sem.AStructure("71_alienation <--- ses")
Sem.AStructure("71_alienation <--- zeta2 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("educatio <--- ses (1)")
Sem.AStructure("educatio <--- delta1 (1)")
Sem.AStructure("SEI <--- ses")
Sem.AStructure("SEI <--- delta2 (1)")
End Try
End Sub