More about Missing Data
To specify Model B, click New.
E In the Model Name text box, change Model Number 2 to Model B.
E Type m1_old = m1_yng in the Parameter Constraints text box.
E Click Close.
A path diagram that fits both Model A and Model B is saved in the file Ex18-b.amw.
Output from Models A and B
E To see fit measures for both Model A and Model B, click Model Fit in the tree diagram
in the upper left pane of the Amos Output window.
The portion of the output that contains chi-square values is shown here:
If Model B is correct (that is, the young and old populations have the same mean vocab
score), then 7.849 is an observation on a random variable that has a chi-square
distribution with one degree of freedom. The probability of getting a value as large as
7.849 by chance is small (p = 0.005), so Model B is rejected. In other words, young and
old subjects differ significantly in their mean vocab scores.]
Model A 10 .000 0
Model B 9 7.849 1 .005 7.849
Saturated model 10 .000 0
Independence model 4 33.096 6 .000 5.516