Example 33
That takes care of item1. What was just done for item1 has to be repeated for each of
the five remaining observed variables. After specifying the recoding for all six
observed variables, you can view the original dataset along with the recoded variables.
To do this:
E Click the View Data button.
The table on the left shows the contents of the original data file before recoding. The
table on the right shows the recoded variables after recoding. When Amos performs an
analysis, it reads the recoded values, not the original values.
Note: You can create a raw data file in which the data recoding has already been
performed. In other words, you can create a raw data file that contains the inequalities
on the right-hand side of the figure above. In that case, you wouldn’t need to use the
Data Recode window in Amos. Indeed, that approach was used in Chapter 32.
E Finally, close the Data Recode window before specifying the model.
Specifying the Model
After you have specified the rules for data recoding as shown above, the analysis
proceeds just like any Bayesian analysis. For this example, a factor analysis model will
be fitted to the six questionnaire items in the environment dataset. The first three items
were designed to be measures of willingness to spend money to take care of the