Estimating Variances and
This example shows you how to estimate population variances and covariances. It also
discusses the general format of Amos input and output.
About the Data
Attig (1983) showed 40 subjects a booklet containing several pages of advertisements.
Then each subject was given three memory performance tests.
Attig repeated the study with the same 40 subjects after a training exercise intended
to improve memory performance. There were thus three performance measures
before training and three performance measures after training. In addition, she
recorded scores on a vocabulary test, as well as age, sex, and level of education.
Attig’s data files are included in the Examples folder provided by Amos.
Test Explanation
The subject was asked to recall as many of the advertisements as possible.
The subject’s score on this test was the number of advertisements recalled
The subject was given some cues and asked again to recall as many of the
advertisements as possible. The subject’s score was the number of
advertisements recalled correctly.
The subject was given a list of the advertisements that appeared in the
booklet and was asked to recall the page location of each one. The subject’s
score on this test was the number of advertisements whose location was
recalled correctly.