Example 16
We also get the following message that provides further evidence that Model A is wrong:
Can we modify Model A so that it will fit the data while still permitting a meaningful
comparison of the experimental and control groups? It will be helpful here to repeat
the analysis and request modification indices. To obtain modification indices:
E From the menus, choose View > Analysis Properties.
E In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Output tab.
E Select Modification indices and enter a suitable threshold in the text box to its right. For
this example, the threshold will be left at its default value of 4.
Here is the modification index output from the experimental group:
In the control group, no parameter had a modification index greater than the threshold
of 4.
The following variances are negative. (control - Default
Modification Indices (experimental - Default model)
Covariances: (experimental - Default model)
Variances: (experimental - Default model)
M.I. Par Change
Regression Weights: (experimental - Default model)
M.I. Par Change
Means: (experimental - Default model)
M.I. Par Change
Intercepts: (experimental - Default model)
M.I. Par Change