
Example 18
E In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Estimation tab.
E Select Estimate means and intercepts (a check mark appears next to it).
E While the Analysis Properties dialog box is open, click the Output tab.
E Select Standardized estimates and Critical ratios for differences.
Because this example focuses on group differences in the mean of vocab, it will be
useful to have names for the mean of the young group and the mean of the old group.
To give a name to the mean of vocab in the young group:
E Right-click the vocab rectangle in the path diagram for the young group.
E Choose Object Properties from the pop-up menu.
E In the Object Properties dialog box, click the Parameters tab.
E Enter a name, such as m1_yng, in the Mean text box.
E Follow the same procedure for the old group. Be sure to give the mean of the old group
a unique name, such as m1_old.
Naming the means does not constrain them as long as each name is unique. After the
means are named, the two groups should have path diagrams that look something like
vocab v_short
Example 18: Model A
Incompletely observed data.
Attig (1983) young subjects
Model Specification
vocab v_short
Example 18: Model A
Incompletely observed data.
Attig (1983) old subjects
Model Specification