Lexmark 9500 Series Printer User Manual

all photos 126
banner 100
blocked fax list 167
booklets 98
cards 97
collated copies 93
custom-size paper 99
document 90
envelopes 97
files from memory card or flash
drive 95
greeting cards 97
index cards 97
iron-on transfers 100
last page first 94
multiple copies, hard copy
document 92
multiple copies, soft copy
document 92
multiple pages on one sheet 94
network setup page 57
on both sides of the
paper 102, 103, 104
photo or selected photos 126
Photo Packages 131
photos from CD using the
computer 130
photos from digital camera using
DPOF 129
photos from digital camera using
the computer 130
photos from Productivity
Studio 130
photos from removable storage
device using the computer 130
photos from the Productivity
Studio 130
photos using the proof sheet 127
postcards 97
poster 98
posters 97
reverse page order 94
test page 217
transparencies 100
two-sided 102, 103, 104
two-sided fax 158
Web page 91
Web page, photos only 91
printing failure error 258
printing manual duplex 225
printing photos
changing settings 115
customizing settings 115
Printing Preferences
Advanced tab 90
Image Enhancement tab 90
Print Setup tab 90
tabs 90
understanding 48
Watermark tab 90
printouts have alternating bands of
light and dark print 212
problem reading memory card
error 255
problems when copying, scanning,
or faxing 221
Productivity Studio
changing scan settings 149
opening 48
printing photos 130
understanding 48
viewing photos 130
proof sheet error 255
proof sheet, using 127
publications, finding 15
Ready or Busy Printing is listed as
status 216
received fax has poor print
quality 244
receiving a fax
automatically 156, 170
fax forwarding 158, 172
manually 156
using an answering machine 157
WEEE statement 266
reducing an image 140
automatic reduction 122
manual reduction 122
refilling print cartridges 180
remote fax error 245
removing an external device 218
removing print cartridges 180
removing printer from Tray 2
base 184
repeating an image 139
fax activity 177
fax confirmation 177
reports, fax activity 166
reverse page order 94
right cartridge error 252
right cartridge incorrect 253
right cartridge missing 253
ring patterns, setting 164, 173
RJ11 adapter, using 35
rotating photo 121
run the Wireless Configuration
Utility 202
safety information 20
saving and deleting print
settings 105
scan and edit text 144
Scan Enhancements tab
Brightness / Contrast 124
Brightness / Contrast setting 124
Exposure setting 125
Scan Mode menu 142
scan settings
changing 149
scan troubleshooting
cannot scan to computer over
network 239
partial document or photo
scans 239
poor scanned image quality 238
scan was not successful 237
scanner does not respond 237
scanning takes too long or freezes
the computer 238
scan was not successful 237
scanned image
attaching to e-mail message 150
saving 148
scanner does not respond 237
scanner glass 22
cleaning 184
loading documents 86
maximum scan area 86
scanner unit 22
scanner unit does not close 235
canceling a scan 147
changing default settings 143
creating a PDF from a scan 146
customizing settings 142
customizing settings using
computer 147