3. Some interrelated configuration about Supplicant
Command Explanation
Global configuration mode
dot1x max-req <count>
no dot1x max-req
Configure the maximum times of
sending EAP-request/MD5 frame when
switch did not receive suppliant
response before reload authentication;
use the “no” command to restore
dot1x re-authentication
no dot1x re-authentication
Configure the permission of
re-authentication for suppliant; use
the “no” command to close this function.
dot1x timeout quiet-period
no dot1x timeout quiet-period
Configure the timeout of quiet-period for
the port; use the “no” command to
restore default.
dot1x timeout re-authperiod
no dot1x timeout re-authperiod
Configure the timeout interval of switch
suppliant re-authentication; use the
“no” command to restore default.
Command Explanation
Global configuration mode
dot1x macfilter enable
no dot1x macfilter enable
Enable switch 802.1x address filter
function; use the “no” command to
disable 802.1x address filter function .
dot1x accept-mac
<mac-address> [interface
no dot1x accept-mac
<mac-address> [interface
Add 802.1x address filter table item; use
the “no” command to remove 802.1x
address filter table item.
dot1x eapor enable
no dot1x eapor enable
Enable switch EAP relay authentication
method; use the “no” command to
adopt EAP local terminative
authentication method.