[no] rip broadcast
Indicates RIP layer3 switch allow all ports to
send broadcast/multicast packets; the “no rip
broadcast” command disables all ports to
send broadcast/multicast packets
2) Configure RIP routing parameters.
a. Configure route aggregation
Command Explanation
RIP configuration mode
no auto-summary
Configures route aggregation; the “no
auto-summary” command disables route
b. configure route introduction (default route metric, configure routes of the other protocols
to be introduced in RIP)
Command Explanation
RIP configuration mode
default-metric <value>
no default-metric
Sets the default route metric for route to be
introduced; the “no default-metric” command
restores the default setting.
redistribute { static | ospf | bgp}
[ metric <value> ]
no redistribute { static | ospf | bgp }
Introduces static, OSPF or BGP routes to RIP
packets; the “no redistribute { static | ospf |
bgp }” command cancels the introduced
routes of specified protocol.
c. Enable interface to send/receive additional routing metric of RIP packets
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
ip rip metricout <value>
no ip rip metricout
Sets the additional route metric for route on
sending RIP packets from the interface; the
“no ip rip metricout” command restores the
default setting.
ip rip metricin <value>
no ip rip metricin
Sets the additional route metric for route on
receiving RIP packets from the interface; the
“no ip rip metricin” command restores the
default setting.
d. Configure interface authentication mode and password
Command Explanation
Interface Mode
ip rip authentication mode {text|
md5 type {cisco|usual}}
no ip rip authentication mode
Sets the authentication method; the “no ip rip
authentication mode” command restores the
default plain text authentication method.